Wild Blueberries are Nutritious and Delicious
Did you know March is Nutrition Month? We are partnering with the Wild Blueberry Producers Association of Nova Scotia to celebrate the nutritious and delicious Wild Blueberry here at Masstown Market.
5lb boxes of frozen Millen Farms Wild Blueberries are only $15.95 for the month of March, plus you will receive a lovely tote bag compliments of the Wild Blueberry Producers Association of Nova Scotia.
Add frozen wild blueberries to smoothies for a quick healthy breakfast idea, or add a quarter cup of wild blueberries to a bowl of oatmeal. Sprinkle some berries on the kids cereal bowl and watch them get excited about the blue milk! Have you ever tried topping a burger with mayo and wild blueberry jam…it is delicious! Toss a few berries into a salad with feta cheese. There are endless ideas for getting your daily dose of blue.
Don’t forget to look for wild blueberries in the frozen food section on your next visit to Masstown Market!